The safety of Amsterdam is very good, even if many are of a different opinion. This misconception comes from the fact that they have such liberal legislation around light drugs and prostitution.
The neighborhoods are usually really quiet and even around the larger entertainment districts there are usually no security problems.
Of course you shouldn't wander around alone in desolate areas at night, but that's the same as in any other city.
Just like in all other tourist-rich places, you should watch out for pickpockets.
The tap water is perfectly drinkable and poses no health risks.
In addition to the regular police, there is also the "Landelijke eenheid" and the anti-terror agency NCTV, (National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism) to deal with more serious violent crimes.
Here is important information about emergency numbers, hospitals and other resources that may be useful in an emergency in Amsterdam:
Most major hospitals have emergency departments open 24 hours a day.
Remember to bring your ID card / driver's license, insurance information and any important medical information when you seek care.
There are of course more pharmacies all over the city, look out for the green neon cross.
For emergency dental care outside office hours: Dental365, phone: 088-2632 365
Available at the central police station, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 35, 1012 RD Amsterdam
Report to the police and contact your insurance company. On Amsterdam's official website is available iLost.
Call your insurer's emergency number or contact a local hospital / health center for advice.
It can also be good to have basic Dutch or English phrases for emergencies.